sábado, novembro 26, 2011


It’s like I have been swimming in the ocean for years. I feel exhausted. So exhausted that I can barely know what is worse: The pain all over my body or starvation and thirst.

It’s like I am dead. My feelings are so strong and run so deep inside me that it causes me emptiness. I do not want to be here. I want to shout until I lose my voice and start bleeding inside. I just want to run away. I just want to nap in a girl’s arms, listening to her heart and smelling her neck; feeling the wind that comes from the ocean.

I want to feel safe again, and stop drawing in the ocean. I do not want a place to stay, but I do not want to be lost anymore.


Aula de Sociologia, 24/11/2011.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

oh sweet .. its hard, I Know, but thats it's the life.. just calm down
and think how much beautiful is the feeling of being looking the sea in the night.
Enjoy your life every moment you can . Don't make this more difficult!

Lovely and intense text!

Unknown disse...

Talvez se sentir perdida seja a pior coisa do mundo... Talvez haverá sempre algo ou alguém que te irá te levar a si mesmo novamente. Talvez haverá sempre outra vez perdida e outra achada, quem sabe. Mas esses momentos passam, e qualquer coisa que precisar, sabe que pode contar ;)